95119 root canal
You don't necessarily need root canal therapy just because you have a toothache, but your toothache could lead to that if you don't get prompt care. Here at Santa Teresa Family Dental, you can be assured of gentle, expert treatment for all tooth pain issues.
There are two situations where your
95119 root canal is typically performed. The most common is that your tooth's pulp, which is inside at the base, becomes infected. This occurs when bacteria is able to get inside as the result of a breach in your tooth's protective layers as the result of a large cavity, loose filling, lost filling, chipped tooth, or cracked tooth. The other circumstance is when you have suffered dental trauma that has led to your tooth coming loose from its socket, either partially or completely. The pulp may become damaged in the process, and that must be repaired by our 95119 root canal. The procedure is non-surgical, and if you've been given the impression that it's something scary, you can relax because most of our patients report that they experienced very little to no discomfort at all from the treatment. The goal of the procedure is to remove the injured pulp and the adjacent nerve, followed by cleaning and disinfecting the canals. To complete the work, the canals are sealed off, making future infection less likely. It may take more then one session in its entirety, and you will be fitted with a temporary crown to protect the tooth between visits. A permanent crown is made and placed when the tooth has fully healed.
At the very first sign of pain, tooth sensitivity, gum tenderness, or tooth discoloration, you should reach out to us right away. You may need our
95119 root canal, and the chances of it being successful are greatly increased by taking prompt action.
By Santa Teresa Family Dental
July 25, 2018
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